Posts tagged give back
Giving Back And Giving Thanks
Copy of November 1 - 30th.png

Every day we walk into the the studio and go about our day teaching classes, taking classes, testing new choreography, and greeting students and families. The day-to-day brings us joy and comfort with a lasting smile on our faces. From time to time, we take a step back…

During the month of November, Spotlight Vermont has focused on giving back and giving thanks. Our food drive started on the 1st and runs through November 30th benefitting the South Burlington Food Shelf that opened just a month ago. Two bins have been set up and we are so inspired from the donations that have come in thus far. With just a few days left, we are hoping for just a little more.


The other addition to our November goals was a newly constructed “Gratitude Board”. Everyone who visits the studio is invited to write on a sticky note and post it on the black posters to offer up thanks for anything positive in our lives. From dance families, to new water fountains (Yes! We have a new water fountain!), we are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives!

So next time you are in the studio, take a moment, offer up a note of gratitude and don’t forget to give your hard working dance teacher a hug!